Public Talk at Mother Tongue Languages Symposium
Suntec Singapore Exhibition and Convention Centre, Room 308
19 Aug 2017 (Sat), 5pm – 6pm

Danny Yeo presented a sharing session at the Mother Tongue Languages Symposium as a theatre director with more than 5 years of experience writing and directing children’s theatre productions, particularly Mandarin musicals for Singapore Repertory Theatre and Esplanade Theatres On The Bay. The session was fully registered and saw a full house turnout of parents, teachers and children in a filled-up room.

The 6th Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) Symposium featured the theme “Flourish in the Wonderland of Our Languages”, focusing on making MTL learning come alive through an immersive and experiential approach for both children and their parents.

Danny presented on “The Fun and Fools in Play-Making – Cultivating Love, Imagination and Questions in Your Child Through Children’s Theatre” (儿童剧场的欢乐与小丑——启发孩子的激情、想象与提问). He shared his expertise in creating theatrical works for children and also encouraged parents as well as teachers to be role models in encouraging creativity, imagination and passion for life in children, so that they can see children’s eyes light up as their heart open up to new experiences. He also enabled attendees to find new ways in arousing children’s interest in the Chinese language through sights, sounds and emotions.

Many parents and teachers were touched by Danny’s sharing and stayed behind to chat more with the speaker as well as to take photos with him. Danny felt greatly encouraged and promised to share this worthy and fun topic with more audience whenever there are opportunities.