Filming of Channel U’s Innocence Lost Season 2 《童工2》
with Threesixzero Productions in Real Quezon Philippines
4 – 11 Nov 2016

Innocence Lost, the infotainment documentary series about child labourers, was very well received when it was first broadcasted on Channel U in early 2016. Viewers found it to be “one of the best shows on Singapore TV”. Many were touched by the stories and impressed by the hosts.

Pure Talents veteran host Danny Yeo (Yang Junwei) returns as the anchor host for Innocence Lost Season 2.

The pilot episode in Philippines is about young charcoal porters. Danny was so affected and moved by the children that he broke down on camera when talking about their hardship and sufferings – meek little bodies having to carry loads that are double their physical weight and running downhill on a treacherous mountain with big stones. Danny feared that the children might fall down and hurt themselves badly. Our hearts go out to these two kids – Chris John and Jomari – at Real Quezon.

Watch Innocence Lost Season 2 Episode 1 here

In the poor village of Luzon in Philippines, people cutting trees illegally to produce charcoal. In the course of making, the two boys, Jomari and Chris John would watch the fire overnight. They are also hired to deliver charcoals that weigh 42kg in total, just to bring food for family members. 在菲律宾吕宋岛的贫困村落,人们非法砍伐树木以生产木炭;制作木炭过程艰辛,两名童工,Jomari和Chris John除了得在林间熬夜看火,还得头顶两袋42公斤的木炭,徒步山林到处送货,换取家人三餐伙食。