DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia Finale and Awards Ceremony
Organised by National University of Singapore Enterpreneurship Centre
National Gallery Singapore Auditorium
4 Oct 2017 (Wed), 2pm – 6pm

Much thanks to your good work in hosting the event – especially in engaging the audiences’ participation.

Ms Michelle Lui, National University of Singapore

Very thankful we had you around because you really helped us get over many tricky moments… the last minute requests for on-the-spot translation for the China and Taiwan teams, sudden change of plans on the stage… we are less worried because we know you’ve got our backs!

Ms Ying Yan, Vice-President of DBS Foundation

Pure Talents bilingual emcee Lin Baofeng hosted the 4th DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia (SVCA) 2017 Finale and the Awards Presentation Ceremony at the lavish National Gallery Singapore Auditorium.

Organised by DBS Foundation and NUS Enterprise, Social Venture Challenge Asia aims to identify and support innovative new ideas and existing social enterprises that have the potential to generate positive, scalable and sustainable social impact in Asia. Through the competition, social enterprises receive holistic support and build meaning networks to form a community to solve today’s most pressing social problems.

We received heart-warming, encouraging and positive feedback from the client praising Baofeng for her outstanding hosting:
“Much thanks to your good work in hosting the event – especially in engaging the audiences’ participation.”
– Ms Michelle Lui, National University of Singapore

“Very thankful we had you around because you really helped us get over many tricky moments… the last minute requests for on-the-spot translation for the China and Taiwan teams, sudden change of plans on the stage… we are less worried because we know you’ve got our backs!”
– Ms Ying Yan, Vice-President of DBS Foundation

A big pat on the back for our bilingual host Lin Baofeng from the organisers of DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia!